Social Media
Task- Register on all social media platforms at time of reading this post and post below first 2000
Reward - 1-100 XCV purchased on your behalf
Cause Registry
Register up to 3 causes for 5-500 XCV
Innovation Offer
Suggest an innovative fix, idea, concept that benefits the Causevest Network if implemented you will receive up 500-2000 XCV
Node Bonus (stackable)
Stacked Node Bonus 5%
Requires a minim of 10000 XCV to run
You must register your wallet on the registration form and the website with a minimum of 10000 XCV purchased to receive your bonus tokens.
Archive node Bonus 15%
Requires a minimum of 100,000 XCV to run.
You must register your wallet on the registration form and the website with a minimum purchase of 100000 XCV to receive your bonus tokens.
Please refer to our whitepaper or investor guide for the details on nodes profitability.