Marcus Rashford proves with altruistic acts that the stereotype can change


The typical image of a footballer is drugs, drink, flashy cars, big houses and models – (not the financial type the cheating on your GF type ) LADS LADS LADSSSSS.

It’s rare for the image to be anything else. In fact the last news story that comes to mind was of a bunch of footballers breaking covid restrictions to have sex (cheating on their partners) with some locals in Iceland. Or the story of the rape victims lots and lots of rape victims, like loads!

Marcus has, with his cause of feeding poor children in the UK, single-handedly turned the focus onto good deeds. He is improving the image of footballers generally, and while he still gets a lot criticism - as you can see from the Facebook post and his reply to this MP on twitter - both alleging that parents should feed their children ignoring the fact that sometimes it’s just not possible for some families.

The Independent recently tried to tar his image by showing some of his investment portfolio.

I was curious if there would be some resentment from his teammates, but you can see in the way they play there is just mutual respect and love. The public has warmed to it as well.


Now more then ever, altruism and real impactful deeds that result in change are what the world needs. The fact is, he has inspired business to change and to take action as well. He encouraged these private enterprises to become more altruistic, and this is a form of disruptive altruism that we love to see.

One thing that really stood out about Rashford to me was that he said he was “Proud to be British.” This made my heart swell. Seeing men doing good things for the altruistic space warms my heart. I hope to partner with him and others like him to use the Causevest Network to further any causes they might have in the future.

Watch this space and let me know if it interests you.

How Blockchain Mining Is Coming to NFTs with Alien Worlds

Blockchain and crypto enthusiasts are more than familiar with the concept of mining for rewards, especially as it is the process which underpins and secures the Bitcoin network. Now mining is set to enter the domain of NFTs with Alien Worlds, a blockchain gaming project which wraps up the entire DeFi sector into an overarching narrative of interstellar exploration, exploitation, profiteering and domination.

It’s part game, part DeFi yield farming with a sprinkle of NFTs for good measure. As Alien Worlds prepares for its land auction on 6 alien planets, each with the potential to administer and manage itself through its own DAO, we take a closer look at what could very well be one of the most ambitious projects in the DeFi sector.

Although the DeFi sector has often advertised its altruistic qualities and talked a big game about “banking the unbanked” its early days have equally been marked by yield farming mania, food tokens aplenty and users who proudly announce themselves as “degens” or degenerates. The truth is that the current DeFi sector has proved to be a game for the many who have chased down its outsized returns and huge APYs.

Chinese State Media: Ignore Bitcoin Hype, Stay on the Blockchain Path

China’s state-run press agency Xinhuanet has published a short piece urging citizens in the country to ignore the hype of surging bitcoin (BTC) prices – and instead keep faith in the state’s pro-blockchain policies. In the piece, which was carried by media outlets such a Sina, two Tianjin-based Xinhua staff reporters wrote that it was not clear what had caused the recent rise in bitcoin prices – with BTC surging up to near the USD 20,000 level.

However, they referred to BTC prices as “hype,” adding that the risks associated with trading in the token are also rising “sharply.” And while crypto trading would provide uncertainty, blockchain was on the straight and narrow “right path,” with technological progress and regulatory efforts now taking place in harmony – with results that would be “fully realized in the future.”

Airbnb to consider integrating blockchain technology

Previously, the company had not committed to adding bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies as a form of payment. The filing read: “Future success will … depend on our ability to adapt to emerging technologies such as tokenization, cryptocurrencies, and new authentication technologies. As a result, we intend to continue to spend significant resources maintaining, developing, and enhancing our technologies and platform.”

The company previously dipped its toes in cryptocurrency in 2016 when it acquired seven developers from Changecoin, the firm which used to be part of now-defunct bitcoin tipping platform Changetip.

Furthermore, the filing revealed how the company is pondering whether to integrate other technologies such as distributed ledger, artificial intelligence, augmented reality and cloud technologies for the future. AI, in particular, has had ramifications for the short-term rental industry, as companies have used the technology to monitor properties which have broken specific regulations.

Airbnb filed for its public offering last week, after months of anticipation for the company’s debut on the stock market. The process was delayed from March due to the outbreak of Covid-19, but a resurgence in its business over the summer brought the IPO back to the company’s forefront.