Death and Taxes


**We need taxes
**The current form of taxation is crap
**The social contract needs a review
**We need to create a new system

Part 1: It’s our DUTY to pay taxes apparently!

A duty to which we are bound without our opinion tied to a ballet box that offers my no real say or reflection of our desires.

We have two options that justify all these taxes we can vote to the right for the reward of high taxes and big government or vote left for high taxes and big government … it’s a scam.

Taxes should be paid (voluntarily) but every damn penny should in my opinion be justified preferably via participatory budgeting.

Blockchain technology exists to empower individuals but more than that it can be used to JUSTIFY debt issuances which ultimately are linked to taxes.

This world where people control their tax spend does not currently exist so instead of moaning about it we have created an environment where the dream of taxation with representation can become a reality.

A blockchain where your labour can be used to have a positive impact on good causes around the world as you see fit.

Part 2:Taxes are too damn high

All my life I have been told two things are certain in life taxes and death. Only recently have I started looking into the concept of taxes and start asking questions like why do we all need to pay taxes?

Could there not be a cap on the total amount of tax one individual has to pay?

Or could we encourage tax free domestic spending for the individual past a certain amount of wealth?

Why do we have a society that only seems to focus on the redistribution of wealth as its goal instead of its creation? I think that the purpose of taxes as we are told is not true.

Taxes we are told are designed to fund goods and services that we need you know the story the health service “insert service here” fix the roads ect ect. However I often find myself paying for the very things my taxes are supposed to pay for.

For example my estate fee pays for the roads on and around my street on top of my council tax which is supposed to… pay for the roads on and around my street.

Part 3:The social contract is broken

The UK tax code is the longest in the world with over 21,000 pages and growing no one you will find few people who have ever read it.

As most people never read the tax code they rely on a sort of social contract it could be summarised as “I trust that i will pay taxes and be better off for it.”

Many people are finding out that this is not the case they are funding projects or things that do not benefit them in the short medium or long run the contract is broken for the majority of people.

For many people if you are honest and hard working you won’t get support from the state you will be penalized instead. You may find you have too much in savings to receive a pension or to get help in an emergency while those who have been frivolous are supported by the state. This gives you three choices save, spend or lie.

These systems support and encourage people who lie it’s so bad that in the UK 54% of the population get more in state benefits then they pay in taxes.

For people like me who above all else hate lying and lies it’s intolerable

They encourage you to waste, spend or hide your wealth.

I used to think this was just a poorly designed system till I remembered the quote. “Never assign to malice what could be incompetence”… in regards to taxes I think the theory should be put into reverse.

Part 4: Never assign to incompetence which could actually be malice.

Taxes are here to keep you poor and powerless. In a society where you find yourself unarmed your only defence is wealth.

Money is the only weapon…”

MY observation is that taxes are here to stop you having too much influence and power so you cannot disrupt the current balance of government power the true purpose to keep you in line to conserve the status quo.

Taxes also empower select groups that use some new cause as an excuse to extract wealth from individuals against their will.

This means you will have less options and less freedom, you could be conscripted for war with ease, you can be forced to take government mandated drugs and vaccines, you will follow instructions.

Free people question, challenge, resist, fight or if needed flee they have the mental capacity and the wealth to do so.

Part 5:The taxes are too damn many

There are so many taxes and they are growing constantly, with hidden taxes under every rock from insurance premium taxes, to death taxes/inheritance taxes , to net zero levies and fees, to production , export, import , custom ,(property tax service fees, estate fees) which double up as taxes the list actually goes on…

Stamp duty on shares , stamp duty on property, capital gains tax, income tax, dividends tax, air flight tax (Co2 tax) , car tax, road tax, vat tax, landfill tax , excise duties , climate change levy, petroleum revenue tax, tobacco duties tax, sugar tax, bag tax, Visa fee tax, hotel tax, second home tax, empty home tax, and I didn’t even bother mentioning national insurance tax, Employers national insurance tax, corporation tax ,non dom tax, bank payroll tax, fuel duties , alcohol tax (spirits, beer,wine and cider duties) gambling tax, gambling revenue levy, aggregates tax, Student loan tax, emergency tax just in case they think you owe money but they are not sure on what. We also have Council tax, corporation fees, filing fees, ICO fees, and regulatory fees, accreditation fees this is not even close to a full list of all taxes, hidden taxes and fees.

What worries me is that this list is constantly growing! There is a constant need to drain more money by force with the use of the state from people for a new pet project what your chances of building wealth are already limited we are trapped in a system designed to see you fail.

The effective tax for a honest hard working citizen can be between 45-70% this ignores many of the taxes mentioned above. There is one tax however that the should removed immediately if one cares about social mobility.

Part 6: Inheritance tax is actually a scam and you deserve a refund.

Taxes like wealth, inheritance or estate taxes should be done after inflation.

This tax is fraudulent because it should be based on the real value after inflation is taken into account.

The government controls the money supply by increasing the money supply (and wasting the printed money) they are able to deflate the value of their currency and so inflate the value of your assets. I am sure you have heard the term unearned gains. Well these unearned gains are almost always calculated against the domestic currency which has fallen in value.

Your property which is a hedge against inflation is penalized by society for being a hedge against inflation.

Many tax systems reward inflation and allow the government to profit by confiscating the fruits of its citizens labour. Inflation is the ultimate theft of wealth.

In the Uk tax fresholds are held and not increased in line with inflation leading to a constantly increased tax burdeon as long as the government is constantly wasteful.

Systems like this that encourage inflation fundamentally have a political class which is protected from its effects.

But there is a more sinister effect that is often ignored you see if nothing changes you may find yourself in a situation where your death is more profitable to the state then your life.

Part 7: This article is not really an anti tax post.

Travelling seeing how people spend their funds on luxury items and only fans foot pic subscriptions while there are people starving only reminds us that taxes are unfortunately still necessary.

However what is more important is accountability!

Its the fact that people can spend without any accountability towards the result of their actions that is the real problem. We highlight taxes not to advocate their reduction but to advocate their importance, it’s too important to be left to some faceless entity you must take control, you must take responsibility and you must take action.

Or face the consequences.