Causevest in 2022

Our Current Mantra is




As we move into 2022, we aim to do these three things.

Focus on building

We have been focused on one-of-a-kind innovative products. It’s a privilege to be involved with this project. Seeing what was once just an idea go from paper to code and then start working in real life is a blessing we are keen to share with you.

We are committed to on building our platform, protocol and ICO site for release in early 2022.


The rules, laws and regulations are constantly changing. Ultimately, we are building Causevest to protect good people from the ever reaching arm of those we do not trust. Our direct competitors have come, gone and come again. For us getting listed and getting onto the market is a priority as it will give our community a lease of life to survive as we look to start our reaching out into the world.


Our products are unique allowing us to grow our community in a different way. Less gimmicks and more impact will be the area that we thrive in. Once we have finished focusing on completing the initial build, surviving the ever changing regulatory storms we will work on thriving in an ever chancing and exciting market for Causevest Coin.

Thank you for joining us on our journey!

Best wishes to all who are working and developing this platform. Kudos to you all.

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Thank you we are close to launching :slight_smile:

What is the date for the May meetup?

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Dear V,

It should be on the 5th of May