26 October news and Causevest Update


First i hope this video cheers you up especially to one person on the telegram chat that said they were not doing so great.


Currently our developers are working on the platforms back end agnostic Ledger work this is looking like completion in 2023 for MVP

Token launch and use case- ico site

We have already created our tokens and will look at liquidity provisioning and marketing for the end of November to coincide with a fixed Coin launch date.
Tokens will be speculative we will apply liquidity and link them to ico site
You will be able to trade tokens into and out of Causevest Coin via the new ICO site.
Bid price will be regulated by us with a set amount of liquidity

Protocol - Causevest Coin
Currently working on fast sync - This Allows users to sync the network without going through all the blocks on the entire chain and is also used for lite clients allowing us to and others to build third party applications while still initializing the XCV wallet functions.

We are adding taproot -

Tap root replaces the address format to help improve Privacy, atomic swap functionality, security and efficiency on the Causevest Network.


GUI -current internal check of the penultimate milestone for the GUI after this will be checked by structural architect afterward we will move to the final milestone which requires a peer review hopefully by your


Nigerian flood appeal just like with pakistan we will be donating


Crypto news -

Things seem a pretty stable mixture of messages mostly upside a general consensus that governments will not continue to raise rates any more. We shall see.

Interesting move in the Regulatory market in the UK

Prices going up again


Catch up with you all soon!